Jordan woke up not feeling well. I took him in to Abbotsford Emerg at 10:30am while the rest of the fam headed off to church. They took an x-ray (after hours of waiting) and informed us at 1:22pm that they wanted to do an ultrasound and blood work because he was feeling dizzy when he stood up for the x-ray. They said his hemoglobin was 116 (should be 160) most likely to him losing all that blood post-surgery. This would explain the dizziness. We are supposed to go to the in-laws for a family dinner this afternoon, and Jordan still wants to go so I tell Kirk to postpone his departure to see if Jordan will feel better and then be able to come. Rest and more rest, they say -- go home and rest. It was 3:00pm when we get home from the hospital.

He is pretty weak and in lots of pain so we up his T3s. Jordan wanted to stay home and I felt it was best to not leave him alone. He doesn’t feel up to going. By 7:34pm his pain was so severe he could hardly walk. It was a challenge to get him into the van to get to emerg in Abbotsford. He said he couldn't take it anymore (the pain). He can barely breathe. While in the triage area, he threw up everywhere all over the floor (and himself as the small dish he was holding couldn’t hold what his stomach threw out) Saw Dr. Delvecario in emerg. He is in so much pain he cannot move and doesn’t even open his eyes or choose to communicate much.

8:30pm .. came in the treatment room and brought a portable ultrasound.
8:41pm .. found fluid in his lungs so they are going to admit him.

They think he will stay for a day or two until he recovers. All the tests look okay and the doc thinks it’s just the post-op pain gone crazy. They will try to keep the pain down with IV Demerol (the only pain med that seems to be working as Morphine makes his blood pressure drop).

I have to do a bunch of emailing to profs, etc. to cancel things for this next week so I head home and let him sleep. They are keeping him in Emerg until morning and they will admit him upstairs.

He is still in a lot of pain... the worst to date.